Sunday, May 16, 2010

Soccer Party and Cause for the Paws!

We had a great Saturday!! We started the day off by getting the fruit tray ready for our end of season soccer party. Barrett helped me make the fruit skewers and white chocolate strawberries...helped me make a mess that is! My fruit skewers turned out so cute, but let me just say next to the chocolate strawberries there was no contest...strawberries won hands down. Maybe next time I'll just make TONS of strawberries!!

The party was held at the Keith's house, it was so kind of them to have us all! Especially since it was a house full of little boys dragging every toy imaginable out!!

After the soccer party Nana and PawPaw came over to keep the boys while Ryan and I went to Miranda Lambert's 3rd annual Cause for the Paws! Barrett was so excited because Nana brought Uncle Kolby and his friend Gunnar, but she also brought B's cousin Breece! Breece and Barrett are the same age and have so much fun together! It's usually all the big boys with Barrett and Breece, but this time it was just the two of them. Plus this was the first time Barrett had a friend/cousin sleep over!!

I was so looking forward to Cause for the Paws...I love Miranda Lambert!! We have sponsored the event since the beginning and it has grown every year. She raises money for her Muttnation Foundation and the East Texas Humane Society, such a great cause!!

We took some friends with us The May's our wonderful new neighbors, and some employees from the dealership... Kylie and Bryan, Tiffany and Cody, and Mike and his friend Angie. We also had the company of the Nance's who we met up with at the concert.

The food and wine was great!! My only complaint is that it was sooo hot!! Well that is not my only complaint. My wonderful husband had all the the tickets and VIP passes here at the house before we left. He told me he was going to run Cody and Tiffany's up to the dealership, because they live in Tyler and were just going to meet us there. No problem. So the rest of the group all rode together and we got our arm band, bags, and got seated at the event. While mingling around Ryan said Kelly we get to have a meet and greet with Miranda. I was so excited! I was like well how do we do that nobody said anything to us about it. So we got some wine and food. While we were waiting in line Kylie says to me, "Kelly why do some of the badges have VIP guest and some have VIP sponsor?" I was like I have no clue...Hmmmm? I didn't think anything else about it. So we were all eating, drinking and enjoying...all of us except for Cody and Tiffany that is. I just assumed they were late, no biggie. Finally I see them walking in and they come over the the table and Cody says to Ryan, "Where have y'all been man. We were in a room eating with Miranda and the band."

At this point I'm sure that everyone could see the smoke coming out of my ears!!!!! I just sat quietly and listened to their story of how when they walked in they were whisked away to a special room, with A/C I might add and how they had dinner with Miranda!!!!!!! I then proceed to look at their my passes on their neck, their passes say VIP SPONSOR, not VIP guest. My crazy husband gave them MY VIP passes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was soooooooo upset!!! Now keep in mind I couldn't be mad at them, they had no clue that they weren't supposed to be doing that! My husband didn't read the passes he assumed they were all the same and just gave two of them to Cody earlier that day. Well needless to say I wanted to cry, I asked them if they met her or took a picture at least and the answer was no, and we forgot the camera...TEARS people, TEARS!!!!!!!

After I settled drank myself into a reasonable state, it was a great evening!

My sweetie and I, obviously before I knew my Miranda meeting was crushed! HA!

Jeanne's wonderful husband Shaun got Jeanne and I these wonderful cupcakes! Jeanne nor I won the David Yurman necklace, but it was so sweet of Shaun to get us these! I think he knew I needed a little cheering up! And let me just say that we ate these, and they were the best fifty dollar cupcakes I have ever had!!

Miranda Lambert: "We have been on tour for about five years now...and I want all of you to know that I have been representing for us NORMAL girls. You know, the kind that will drink a beer with you and eat fried food. But I do know that all the prettiest girls..come from TEXAS!" before singing "Only Prettier"

Miranda put on a great show and raised ALOT of money for a great cause!! What a stand up East Texas girl!! It was a fabulous time!!!


  1. I love the dress you are wearing! Where did you get it? Its so cute :) That is so sad that you didn't get to meet Miranda. Maybe next year right? Anyways glad you had a good weekend.

  2. jesus. when did your hair get so long, kb? wanna trade?
