Yesterday while B and Ryan were still at the deer lease, I decided I would bake our neighborhood gifts for all the neighbors. I had to go to walmart for a few ingredients before Jack and I started baking, it's was pretty crazy in there. While in walmart I made a quick dash down the toy aisle to see if I could find Jack anything else for Christmas. (the poor little thing doesn't have much this year, not that he will know or anything) Anyhoo, what do my little wondering eyes spy sitting right there in plain sight, no one fighting or grabbing for them, TWO Zhu Zhu pets. That's right just sitting there, you didn't have to get in line with a ticket or anything. CRAZY! I guess I could have saved a lot of time and $$$ doing it this way instead of eBay!! Oh well!!!
So Jack and I headed home to bake, actually I baked and he slept. I decided to make the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Rolls for everyone because they are soooooo good they should be illegal! I mean when you can actually feel the grains of sugar melting in your mouth it's a problem!!!! Plus anything that starts off like this is going to taste Divine!!!!!
Jack and Mary Michael got their first tastes of sinful deliciousness and they wanted more!!!!
In my rushed crazy deliveries I forgot to take a picture of the rolls all packaged up in bows. :(
My other two boys arrived home last night and brought me a present.................
Barrett had a great time at the deer lease as usual, his Big B and Uncle Cragg even went for the last trip of the year. Big B bought him a BB and took it with them. Barrett was shooting like there was no tomorrow, loves it. Ryan called me and said " he's hitting the cans 4 out of 5 times". Well what can I say he gets his shooting abilities from his Mommy!!
3 days ago
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