Our Thanksgiving Day started out on a foggy note. That however didn't stop Barrett from getting up bright foggy and early, to shoot his gun. No, he wasn't shooting turkey, just some diet coke cans.

Our family.....SO much to be thankful for!!!!
We had a total of 26 people at our dinner so we had to eat in shifts, ha!! First up were the kiddos. We decided to put the kiddos outside, less mess!!!!

It's more fun at the kids table!!
The "Barrett" girls!!
Some of the Thanksgiving guests, the other kids table ;)
It was a great day of fellowship and family. We enjoyed having the Barrett, Hopson, Lair, and Todd families. I think the first turkey day at Rough Creek was a success and we look forward to many more!! The boys ALL loaded up for a ride before we all headed our separate ways.
My boys and Kolby headed to North Texas for some hunting. I decided against hunting and went to Lufkin with my MIL and SIL for some black Friday shopping. Last year was my first experience doing it. I didn't really buy much, but I had fun spending time with Dori and Teresa. After studying all the ads we were ready to shop. We left the house at 8:45 pm on Thursday, our first stop was Walmart. There are really NO WORDS!! If you haven't ever experienced Black Friday, well frankly your missing out on some pretty hilarious behavior!!!
Yes, this would be ADULT people riding in buggies. I told you NO WORDS!!!!!!

After Belk we were worn OUT. We headed home to sleep for a bit! Later that day Jack and I headed over to visit Mary Michael and Mille at SuSu's house. Blurry picture, but SuSu with the kiddos!!

The boys were having a blast hunting in North Texas, but could have done without the 30 MPH winds. Barrett at one point asked Ryan if the stand was going to blow over!! Barrett has been shooting his BB gun, and shot gun for a while. He had been apprehensive about shooting his rifle, this weekend he finally practiced shooting with it. This was his first 2 shots, not bad. Takes after his Mommy!!!!