Thankfully, the fire was down the road from us, and our place was safe. I feel terrible saying that, because so many people around us lost a TON!! In that area, over 3000 acres burned with 5 homes, and 5 barns lost.
Since the last time I had been to RC some new work had been started and I was glad I got to check it out. Here is Jack loving the new bridge that leads to the guest cabin.

A peek at the boysplayhouse err, giant clubhouse!! It isn't finished yet, it is going to be fabulous!!

A look at our pier! So excited about it. Now, if we could just get some rain to fill up the pond, it would be perfect!!

Jack "building" on the pier.

My new fridge and pantry door!! It's the little things, ha!!

I was SO thankful our place was ok, and untouched by the fires. So many in our area are suffering!! It is just heartbreaking!!

A peek at the boys

A look at our pier! So excited about it. Now, if we could just get some rain to fill up the pond, it would be perfect!!

Jack "building" on the pier.

My new fridge and pantry door!! It's the little things, ha!!

I was SO thankful our place was ok, and untouched by the fires. So many in our area are suffering!! It is just heartbreaking!!
When we arrived home the boys had plenty of work, all the wind had blown down limbs and leaves and the boys got right on clean up duty!

These two just crack me up, you would think we were slave drivers looking at this picture, but they do all this "work" by choice!

I am praying so hard today for ALL of Texas, the fire fighters, homes, people, animals and land affected by all of these fires. We need rain SO bad!!! The Lord can work miracles and we need one down here!!

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