The whole family was there, and The Reeds joined us with their kids Cole and Carley. Christie, the kids and I just decided to stay for the first half of July. We had a great 4th. Barrett loves fireworks, but let me just say he hasn't always! It was Jack's first 4th and seeing as how he was down before the festivities started I don't know how much he enjoyed it. It is truly amazing how babies can sleep through fireworks that sound like they are right outside your window and last all night!!
The beach has so many activities to offer we were super busy! We popped a few fireworks and lit a gazillion sparklers. I also found a "uncle Sam" pinata and filled it for the kids, just what they need to add to fireworks, a sugar rush!!
We had a huge bonfire on the beach when we set off the big fireworks. So big in fact the Port Bolivar fire department pulled up and came to check out our fire. It was all under control, I guess someone saw how large it was and called them. The kids were scared we would get in trouble, but all was well.
After all the family and friends left our friend Leeanne came to stay with Christie the kids and I. Leeanne was such a help with Barrett. It is so funny because Barrett has always had a crush on Leeanne, trying to sit by her and hold her hand. He got to have her around the whole week. We made a few trips to Galveston during the week. We went to Moody Gardens to the aquarium it was very fun.
At Moody Gardens they have a Palm Beach water play area, so we trekked our way over to it. It wasn't really what we expected so we left and headed to Schlitterban. Oh yes, not one but two attractions in one day.
Schlitterban was so much fun, huge, but fun. We made out way across an endless sea of tubes and sun screened up kids to find a quiet little umbrella next to the kiddie pool and swim up bar. Oh yes, I said BAR!! Thank goodness because the Mommies and Leeanne of course needed a cocktail! We joked and said well now we can make it though the day!! LOL!
Schlitterban is a complete money pit they have extremely too many things to spend money on. For example who could leave without a funnel cake, a trip the the icee bar where there are 10 flavors you can mix, and last but no least an airbrush tattoo. Barrett decided he wanted a shark. At least we fit in a little better after that.
At the end of our trip my parents and the husbands came back, along with my girlfriends Patti, Karen, and cousin Julie. We had a full house but it was so great catching up with all my girls!! I can't believe I didn't get a girls picture guess we were to busy talking to take any pics.
And what beach trip is complete without the baby getting covered in sand. Jack has been to the beach a few times, but now that he is completely mobile and into everything the couldn't resist the sand.
Yes, unfortunately Jack decided to eat some sand. My Mom said "It will be fine, you did the same thing at his age." Yes Mom, but I'm quite sure the sand is a little worse now.
I love summer, and I love the beach!! I can't wait to go back. I'm sure before summer is over we will head back for a few more trips.
LOVE the 4th of July shirts....are you willing to share where you got them?
ReplyDeleteI got the shirts from Sweet Coture on etsy. She has them for most holidays. She has great things!!
I was going to ask the same question as Mindy, thanks for sharing your cute shirt secret. I'm also glad to hear that ya'll had fun at Schlitterban because we are going this weekend. Hope ya'll continue to have a fun Summer!