Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Jack Is NINE Months Old!

Jack today you are nine months old! Where has the time gone? You continue to be the happiest baby ever! I see your sweet little personality coming out more everyday. You are a joy to be around Daddy, Barrett and I love you to pieces!!

Here is what's going on at Nine Months!

- You are crawling everywhere!!(p.s. I forgot to update you at 8 months, bad mommy; but you started crawling at 8 months)

- You weigh about 18.5 pds.

- Still wear size 3 diapers.

- You have been sleeping from 7:30pm to about 7am for a whole month!! Woo Hoo!!

- You laugh all the time!!

- Babbling that sounds like MaMa, or maybe that's just what I want to hear.

- You pull up and cruise. You love to walk holding onto my fingers.

- Your eyes are turning green now.

- Still no hair, a little more on top, but not much.

- Your favorite foods are peas and apples.

- You are taking the bottle good now, trying to hold it.

- Your favorite thing to do is chase Lola around with the walker.

- Take two, two hour naps a day.

- People still mistake you for a girl, but that's okay your just so pretty, I mean Handsome!!

- You have your first two bruises on your head from trying to walk, I'm sure the first of many!!

I am so proud to be your Mommy. I look forward to every day with you and your brother! I can't believe you are 9 months old!! I love you so much!!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi! I saw your comment on Mckmama! I wanted to share my website with you: Sugarandspice1.etsy.com
    I will be donating a portion of all sales to the String of pearls to help families and babies like Stellan! I am trying to get it out there in any way I can! Please let your family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it!
    Thanks!! :)
