My annual pic with Bev... Miranda's mom who organizes the whole event.

We had cocktails and dinner in the VIP suite with the other sponsors and Miranda and the Pistol Annie's!! It was SO fun! We have been able to meet Miranda in the past....but this year was so cool! I got to talk to her, Ashley, and Angelina. They were so SWEET!! We have pics with Miranda and the Pistol Annie's from Miranda's photographer that we will get in a few days, I'll post them later. After dinner was the silent auction and then it was showtime!
The Josh Abbot Band and Wade Bowen opened up for Miranda and they were both great!

Angie R, Angie D, and I......

I guess I was to busy enjoying myself...HA! I didn't take any pictures of the show. Oh was SO much fun and Miranda put on a fabulous show as usual!! The Pistol Annie's also performed and I just LOVE them...their voices are so great together.

On Saturday we spent a great day on the Beach!! We had a nice breeze and enjoyed having NO kids and soaking up some sun. I forgot how easy it is to go to the beach without the kiddos, ha...I mean no toys, snacks, etc. was nice;)

While we were beaching it....Nana, PawPaw and the boys were sweating it out at the Ranger game!

They said it was fun, but the afternoon games are for the was just TO HOT!!
On Sunday we slept in and it was SO nice. Our friends the Winstons, Dee and Jennifer....graciously offered to let us hitch a ride home with them in their new jet! I was SUPER excited...I mean how often do you get that chance to do that?!? Ryan and I jumped on that idea, it cut our travel time from 3 hours to like 25 minutes. CRAZY!!!! How beautiful is this jet??

Ryan....thinking he is cool! Who am I kidding, so did I!! HA!!!

Flying first class....literally!!!

Our Captains and friends...Dee and Jenn!!

This is a view of Moody Gardens and Galveston....

The flight was amazing!!! Thanks SO much Dee and Jennifer!! After that ride I told Ryan he better sell a few more cars, haha!!!!!!! Yeah....NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!! What a great weekend!!!!!
Wow! What a fun weekend. BIG Time!!