Monday, January 9, 2012

Christmas Party, Knothead & Deer

December 16th was the last day of school before Christmas Break and it was an eventful day! I had Anna{our sitter/B.F.F} come over to keep Jack while I went to the school for the party.

My sweet boy and I....he looks positively thrilled, huh??
The boys of the class, and Barrett running to try and get it in, procrastinator!!
Barrett making his "Christmas tree" I thought these would be a fun project. They were fun but SO very messy!!
Busy making trees!!
Barrett and his awesome teacher Mrs. Cantrell!!
Anna text me during the party, but I didn't get it until I left. The message scared the daylights out of me!! She said that Jack had fallen off of the island and hit his head on the tile. He had a huge knot, but seemed to be ok. Barrett and I were leaving the school when I got the text, so I sped rushed home!! His head FREAKED me out!!! It was HUGE!! He was asleep and I woke him up to look and check him out. His eyes were fine and since he didn't get sick or pass out, I didn't take him to the Doctor.

His head seemed to be going down a little. I was busy getting Barrett packed to go hunting with Ryan and I heard him start screaming and crying. I walked in to see his knot turning reddish-blue and swelling up quickly. Apparently the boys were "playing" and he fell or something. I didn't know if he hit his head again but it was really scaring me so I rushed to the Dr. office. They got us right in, looked him over and said he would be fine. Just a crazy worried Mom. SO glad he was Ok, better safe than sorry!! Here are some pics of the "knothead" and this believe it or not, were after it was better!!
Poor baby!!!

Since Barrett and Ryan were hunting, Jack and I decided to meet my parents at Rough Creek for the weekend. We had a very relaxing time. We watched some football by the fire and just enjoyed little Jack.
Jack and I did a little nature walk exploring, we found lots of animal tracks. How cute are these raccoon hand prints.

Ryan and Barrett were not having the best weather in North Texas which in turn makes for a bad hunt. They didn't see much the first day or two, and then what they did see was way to far for Barrett to shoot. Finally on Sunday, I got a call that Barrett shot his first deer!!!!! I was so excited for him, but a little sad that I wasn't there with him.

Such a big boy!! He shot this doe at 100 yards, made a great shot!! Way to go B!!!!!
On Monday morning I got another call, it was the sweetest little voice that said, "Mom, I did it again!" I couldn't believe it, another deer and it was a buck! He said "Mom, I killed a 7 point and I'm 7 years old!" How cute!!! He killed this one at about 110 yards and made another perfect shot! I couldn't be more happy for him!!!

So proud of my B-man!!! We were also SO happy that it was Christmas holidays!!!

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